Google Sheets is a powerful tool that can greatly simplify the analysis and tracking of our SEO campaigns through the use of native formulas, custom functions, and the installation of add-ons.
Addons for Sheets - Google Analytics
This Google Sheets add-on allows you to quickly import your data from Google Analytics. You can configure dimensions, metrics, filters, and segments for data retrieval. The add-on also enables you to schedule reports to update automatically.
ADDONS for SHEETS - Search Console
This add-on allows you to retrieve performance data (clicks, impressions, CTR, position) from your Search Console accounts. Recently, they added a functionality to run backups and save your data periodically.
Google Sheets - Funciones
The IMPORTXML function allows you to quickly import content from websites using XML markup.
Some examples include:
Task | Formula |
Obtain Title | =IMPORTXML("", "//title") |
Meta Keywords | =IMPORTXML("", "//meta[@name='keywords']/@content") |
Open Graph Image | =IMPORTXML("", "//meta[@property='og:image']/@content") |
Fetch H1 Tags | =IMPORTXML("", "//h1") |
Fetch External Links | =IMPORTXML("", "//a[@href and not(starts-with(@href, '/'))]/@href") |
Extract Structured Data (JSON-LD) | =IMPORTXML("", "//script[@type='application/ld+json']") |
Count Images | =IMPORTXML("", "count(//img)") |
Fetch Alt Attributes | =IMPORTXML("", "//img/@alt") |